Groups in BB

The Boys’ Brigade local groups (companies) cater for children and young people during their school years.
Each BB group meets usually on a week night in a local church or school hall and is part of a church’s life in the community. The company has three sub-groups called ‘Sections’ seeking to cater to the specific developmental and social needs of each person within their age grouping.

Children and young people can join the relevant section for their age at any time across the year.

Anchor Section

For per-primary through to year 2 school aged boys.

The Program

Anchors Section where there is special emphasis on fun with activities such as games, craft, stories and outings and the chance to gain three Activity Badges. If you know anyone in this age range and your Company has this Section get them along!

What do Anchors enjoy about their group?

Anchors just enjoy:

  • Playing great team games
  • Listening and telling stories
  • Doing craft
  • Earning some really neat badges
  • Having lots and lots of fun
  • Making good friends

What else is there to know about Anchors?

You get to wear a special uniform, different to what you wear to school so everyone knows you belong to Boys’ Brigade.

Your leaders will help you to learn new things about yourself, your friends and your world.You can go on with Boys’ Brigade right through until you leave school and become an adult – that’s a long time away for sure.In the meantime you will have a lot of fun times with good friends.

Junior Section

For primary school aged boys.

Juniors love to …

What do Juniors love about their group?

  • play great games
  • learn lots of new skills
  • earn badges to wear
  • do lots of cool stuff with their leaders

Junior sections usually meet on a week night a in church or school hall in your area and also get to go on day outings, camps and competitions with other groups. The nightly program is usually around 1½ hours.

What do Juniors get up to?

Everyone wears a uniform so you belong to the group and for others to know that you are in Boys’ Brigade Juniors.

  • build a soap box (ask a parent if you don’t know what this is)
  • have an overnight campout
  • learn how to play a new sport
  • get into competitions by yourself and as a team
  • do lots of things you never thought you could

You can also get into earning some of the badges on offer through completing certain activities.  The activities are grouped together into 5 zones –

  • Body – fit for fun
  • Mind – think and do
  • Spirit – God and me
  • Community – me and my world
  • Creativity – make and do

Juniors have heaps of fun with lots to challenge you and make great friends along the way.

The Achievement Scheme provides a varied and challenging program tailored to each age level to develop each member in all areas: Spiritual, Educational, Social and Physical.

Senior Section

For high school aged boys.

The Seniors Section Award System encourages and rewards members to challenge themselves further, especially to engage more directly in their local and wider community and issues that impact on their peers, themselves and the world as well as exploring further God’s creation. There is so much life out there yet to be discovered!

As a member of The Boys’ Brigade Australia you have become part of a large family not only with members in your own Company, your own State or Territory and across Australia, but also throughout the world.

BB is about developing you over your whole life so that you and others can and want to impact the world.

Everything we do in BB strives to achieve that – the weekly programs, the camps, the Award System, the mentoring your leaders offer in and out of formal BB activities, the leadership development opportunities, the wider and global fellowship of BB, and anything else that you can imagine BB can do.

Inspired and continually connected to the Creator of all of creation, BB is about helping you, others and the world be what it could be: a universe where  everyone and everything is, lives out and continues to innovate as God intended them to be, what has been called the Kingdom of God.

Plan your time wisely to obtain the greatest personal benefit from your membership of your Company and the wider world of the Brigade.

Make it your aim to gain the highest award, The Queen’s Badge, as part of your Brigade experience. In so doing, you will have conquered mental, physical and emotional challenges that will help you grow and be throughout your life “all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.”

Continually look out for as well as take hold of the opportunities to be recognised for your leadership skills, with the highest honour of formal leadership positions.

And most excitingly, watch out for and seek out the opportunities to experience the greatest alternative reality (often called the ‘true way’) of sharing your life journey with God himself.