It is the policy of The Boys’ Brigade Australia to define the uniform which shall be worn by all members, including Boys, Officers and Leaders.
The uniform is an important part of the ‘BB Method’ and as such touches all other aspects of the Method. It’s prime purpose is to attract boys to the Brigade, to help them realize and accept their membership of the Movement and what it stands for and to encourage smartness and self-respect.
The Brigade uniform:
- offers immediate identification –
- to the members who enjoy a sense of ‘belonging’ – to their local company and to a national and international organization;
- to the public on occasions when Brigade members are engaged in activities outside of their regular companies program.
- complements key aspects of the BB Object –
- Obedience – through wearing it in accordance with regulations;
- Discipline – in having to prepare and wear it weekly;
- Self-respect – through the need to ‘dress up’ to a standard.
- provides a vehicle for the recognition of –
- achievement – through the wearing of badges gained through Award System;
- leadership – by the wearing of appropriate insignia.
A further desired outcome: that the uniform will help to bring about a levelling of socio-economic barriers, without becoming a barrier in itself.
End of Quote from BBA Policy No. 2.1
Extract from Boys Brigade Australia, National Executive Uniform Policy Statement (Ref Policy No. 2.1)
The Boys Brigade Western Australia (BBWA)
Ref Policy 1.0- Uniform
BBWA endorses the above BBA Policy Statement and desires that every effort is made to bring all BBWA companies into line with the Uniform Proposal through CEO visitations, education and expectations from the BBWA Executive.
Companies have the option for which style of uniform is to be worn across the company or section, but will ensure that all parts of the uniform style is worn, not just parts of the Uniform Style.
BBWA State Executive sees the implementation of this policy throughout Western Australia as an imperative to BBWA’s identify, marketing and branding
A complete list of the required uniform for each style and section is listed below.
OFFICERS FORMAL UNIFORM (Commissioned Officers Only)
- White Uniform Shirt or Blouse; Long or Short Sleeve
- Shoulder Titles
- Name Badge
- Tie, Black Crested or Queens or Lady’s V and crest
- Tie Bar
- Navy Blue Trousers, Slacks or Skirt
- Black Socks or Skin Stockings
- Black Polished Shoes
- Glengarry
- BB Belt
- White Uniform Polo Shirt
- Name Badge
- Navy Blue Slacks or Navy/Black Skirt
- Black Socks or Skin Stockings
- Black Polished Shoes
- BB Baseball Cap
- BB Belt
Helpers Uniform.
- White Uniform Polo Shirt
- Name Badge (Titled “Helper”)
- Blue Jeans
- Black Socks or Skin Stockings
- Black Shoes (Preferably Polishable)
- BB Baseball Cap
- BB Belt
- Uniform Blue Shirt with Titles and Crest
- Long Blue Trousers
- BB Belt
- BB Socks
- Black Polished Shoes
- Cap with Metal Badge
- Tie; Blue, Crested or Queens
- White Sash/Red Sash (when Awarded)
- Armbands (both Arms, when Awarded)
- Stripes for NCOs
- Blue Polo Shirt
- Long Blue Trousers
- Titles & Crests
- Black BB Belt Black Socks/BB Socks
- Either Formal or Contemporary Cap
- Armbands
- Black Polished Shoes
- Uniform Blue Shirt with Titles and Crest
- Blue Trousers or Shorts
- BB Socks
- Black Polished Shoes
- Cap with Cloth Badge
- Armband
- Navy Blue Polo Shirt
- Blue Trousers or Shorts
- BB Socks
- Black Shoes (Preferably Polishable)
- Either Formal or Contemporary Cap
- Armband
- Navy Blue Polo Shirt
- Blue Trousers or Shorts
- BB Socks
- Black Shoes (Preferably Polishable)
- Either Formal or Contemporary Cap
- Armband.